Customizing pinned shortcuts on the Taskbar for Windows Server 2008 R2

OK, this is one way. I am sure there are several others. Can anyone say convoluted…? (This is mainly intended for use on Remote Desktop Servers.) Create a test user. My user is named Bob in this example. Log on as Bob and pin the shortcuts you want on the Taskbar, and remove the ones …

Automatic Updates Client command line parameters

The Automatic Updates Client Utility (wuauclt.exe) supports a few command line parameters. Some of them are documented, others not. Here are the ones I have found: Parameter Explanation /detectnow Run a detection cycle /a /resetauthorization Resets the WSUS cookie. (If used together with /detectnow; /resetauthorization must be entered before /detectnow.) /r /ReportNow Sends all queued …

Some Windows Server 2008 R2 Failover Cluster Notes

You should format you shared disks with NTFS before you form you cluster. If not the disks will not be eligible as witness disks. (NTFS is a requirement for a disk witness.) Do not assign a drive letter or mount point to your witness disk. (Disks used e.g. for a clustered file server needs a …