Tag Archives: Roaming Profiles

If you won’t translate RDS profiles; I will!

Out of pure frustration with the fact that the Active Directory Migration Tool (ADMT) is unable (unwilling is my guess) to do security translation for users’ Remote Desktop Services (RDS) roaming profiles, I decided to take matters into my own hands and created the script below. It is not very refined just now, but I have a lot of ideas for future versions. In the meantime, if you can use it for something; great!

# TranslateRDSProfiles.ps1
# Morgan Simonsen
# http://morgansimonsen.wordpress.com
# Script to translate a user profile belonging to a migrated user.
# Primarily intended to solve the problem with ADMT not translating
# Remote Desktop Service roaming profiles.
# Version: 1.0 (13.02.2012)
#     Initial version.

# User changeable strings
# Only edit in this section!
# Root of folder or sharing storing the profiles
$RDSProfileRootDirectory = "Z:" # Include trailing backslash
# NetBIOS Name of source domain; the domain the user was migrated from
$SourceNBTDomainName = "DOMAIN_1" # Include trailing backslash
# NetBIOS Name of target domain; the domain the user was migrated to
$TargetNBTDomainName = "DDS" # Include trailing backslash
# DNS name of target domain
$TargetDNSDomainName = "dds.intern"
# FQDN of Domain Controller in target domain
$TargetDomainDC = "ddsdc1.dds.intern"
# Location of subinacl.exe
$SUBINACLLocation = "C:Program Files (x86)Windows Resource KitsToolssubinacl.exe"
# Location of echoArgs.exe (not actually used by the script)
$echoArgs = ($PSHome+"ModulesPscxAppsechoArgs.exe")

Get-ChildItem $RDSProfileRootDirectory | ForEach `
    Write-Host ("Processing folder: "+$_.name)
    If (Get-QADUser ($TargetNBTDomainName+$_.name) -service $TargetDomainDC)
        $user = Get-QADUser ($TargetNBTDomainName+$_.name) -service $TargetDomainDC
        Write-Host (" Found matching user: "+$user.Userprincipalname)

        If ( (Test-Path ($_.FullName+"NTUSER.DAT")) -or (Test-Path ($_.FullName+"NTUSER.MAN")) )
            Write-Host (" Found user registry hive: "+($_.FullName+"NTUSER.DAT"))
            Write-Host (" Updating permissions...")
            $entireprofile = ($_.FullName+"*.*")
            $completeusername = ($TargetNBTDomainName+$user.samaccountname)
            Write-Host (" SubInACL.exe File Output:")
            & $SUBINACLLocation /noverbose /subdirectories $entireprofile /grant="$completeusername=f" /setowner=$completeusername  > $null
            Write-Host (" SubInACL.exe Registry Output:")
            reg.exe load ("HKU"+$_.Name) ($_.FullName+"NTUSER.DAT") > $null
            $regkey = ("HKEY_USERS"+$_.Name)
            & $SUBINACLLocation /noverbose /subkeyreg $regkey /grant="$completeusername=f"  > $null
            reg.exe unload ("HKU"+$_.Name) > $null
        Write-Host " Cannot find user in domain that matches folder name."
        Write-Host " Continuing with next user."