Copying Azure Managed disks between regions

I recently had the need to copy some Azure managed disks to another region. Since managed disks are not backed by storage accounts like unmanaged disks, you cannot simply do a blob copy and be done. You have to copy your managed disk to a temporary storage account in your target region and create a …

Getting volume data with PowerShell

It has always irritated me that I cannot export data from the disk management snap-in in Windows. Take this example from an Exchange server: It would be very nice to be able to export this data to a CSV to create a quick storage report. Unfortunately you can’t. But with PowerShell you can! This command …

Quick PowerShell script to query for installed hotfix

This is a quick and dirty PowerShell script to see if the local computer has a particular hotfix installed. It takes one argument; the number of the hotfix. QueryHotfix.ps1: $KB = $args[0] Get-WMIObject -class “Win32_QuickFixEngineering” -namespace “root/CIMV2” | Where { $_.hotfixid -match $KB } Enjoy.

‘Remove Exchange Attributes’ á la PowerShell

The extensions to Active Directory Users and Computers for Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003 have a task called Remove Exchange Attributes that is accessible from the Exchange Tasks menu. It removes all Exhange related attributes from the objects on which it is run. This is useful when an object is in an inconsistent state, as …