Tag Archives: Disk Management

Getting volume data with PowerShell

It has always irritated me that I cannot export data from the disk management snap-in in Windows. Take this example from an Exchange server:


It would be very nice to be able to export this data to a CSV to create a quick storage report. Unfortunately you can’t. But with PowerShell you can!

This command will export the same data:

Get-WmiObject win32_volume | select Name,Label,@{Name=”Capacity (GB)”; Expression={“{0:N2}” –f ($_.capacity/1GB)}},@{Name=”Free Space (GB)”; Expression={“{0:N2}” -f ($_.freespace/1GB)}},@{Name=”Used Space (GB)”; Expression={“{0:N2}” -f ( ($_.capacity/1GB) – ($_.freespace/1GB) ) }} | ft –AutoSize

The result:

Name        Label        Capacity (GB) Free Space (GB) Used Space (GB)
—-        —–        ————- ————— —————
C:                      72,50         18,17           54,33
E:LogLUN1 ExchangeLogs 1 249,87      1 245,32        4,55
E:         Exchange     0,97          0,93            0,03
E:DBLUN1  DBLUN1       2 046,87      1 358,92        687,95
E:DBLUN2  DBLUN2       2 046,87      1 467,69        579,19
E:DBLUN3  DBLUN3       2 046,87      1 527,84        519,03
E:DBLUN4  DBLUN4       499,87        375,19          124,68

Of course, you can export this to CSV etc.