Quick PowerShell script to query for installed hotfix

This is a quick and dirty PowerShell script to see if the local computer has a particular hotfix installed. It takes one argument; the number of the hotfix. QueryHotfix.ps1: $KB = $args[0] Get-WMIObject -class “Win32_QuickFixEngineering” -namespace “root/CIMV2” | Where { $_.hotfixid -match $KB } Enjoy.

How to install System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 prerequisites

Here is a short script that will install the prerequisites for System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008: ServerManagerCMD.exe -i PowerShell ServerManagerCMD.exe -i Web-Server ServerManagerCMD.exe -i Web-Asp-Net ServerManagerCMD.exe -i Web-Metabase ServerManagerCMD.exe -i Web-WMI Since ServerManagerCMD.exe is deprecated in Windows Server 2008 R2 and has been replaced with PowerShell cmdlets, here is the PowerShell command as well: …