Most of the Azure VM extensions have their own specialized PowerShell cmdlets to configure them, e.g. Set-AzureAccessExtension, Set-AzureVMBGInfoExtension, Set-AzureVMMicrosoftAntimalwareExtension etc. But you can also, to some extent, use the generic Set-AzureVMExtension. The example below show how to use it to install and configure the Operational Insights agent/extension in your Azure VM:
Get-AzureVM -ServiceName <cloud service name> -Name <VM name> | Set-AzureVMExtension –ExtensionName MicrosoftMonitoringAgent -PublicConfiguration ‘{“WorkspaceId”:”<OpsInsights Workspace ID”}’ -PrivateConfiguration ‘{“workspaceKey”:”<OpsInsights Primary Access Key>”}’ -Publisher Microsoft.EnterpriseCloud.Monitoring -Version 1.0 | Update-AzureVM
You can find your OpsInsights workspace ID in your Operational Insights portal.
- Select Servers and Usage
- Press Configure
- Your Workspace ID and access keys are displayed on the right. Use the primary key.
- For servers outside Azure you can onboard them directly following these instructions:
Connecting agents directly to Operational Insights
Happy monitoring!
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